School is back in session. It is good to be back although this will be my last year with my school. You can’t work as a paraprofessional forever (well, you could, but you would never be able to retire).
The thing is this. I am twenty-seven and will turn twenty eight in December and just feel that it is time to press forward with my education and finding a spouse. Also I am getting that feeling that it is time to move on. I have felt that way ever since coming home from EFY and if some feelings and impressions that I have been having come to fruition, then I must take it as a sign that elsewhere is the place for me.
It’s not that I don’t like Georgia, the people at Church, my job, or anything else. I just feel like moving would be a good thing to do. Not sure where, but probably someplace out west.
Since EFY, things have felt different around here. I don’t feel the comfortable or at home anymore. Could my home be “far away in the west”? Perhaps. But we shall see.