After a brief sabbatical, I am back. The school year is coming to a close and things are getting hectic at work. Part of the problem is that we are not sure where we are going to be next year. A few months ago, we were informed that we would be moving into a new room with almost everything that we would need for our students. But now that is unclear, and with a little over one week left in the school year, not knowing if we need to pack up our room, or leave everything put, is beginning to way on all of us.
The trip to Utah during the beginning of April was a lot of fun. Seeing my brother who lives in Provo is always nice, as is seeing friends who have settled in various places along the Wasatch front.
The EFY counselor preparations are coming along nicely. I finished reading the Doctrine and Covenants, something that I have only done a few times. It was good to go through the revelations understanding better the historical context and circumstances under which many of the sections were given. It made more sense and had greater meaning for me this time around.
As far as my other scripture studies are going, I am reading Isaiah with a commentary by Donald W. Perry. I have not used commentaries much in studying the scriptures, but so far I have enjoyed using Brother Perry’s book in my study of Isaiah.
So there you go. A brief entry for Tuesday May 16, 2006, it may seem short, but there are other things in the works.